About Us


Oscar International College is growing internationally, welcoming students from overseas, working with our local and international partners and preparing our students for the local and global job markets. We are a dynamic contributor to the growth and vitality of the British Columbia province through excellence in teaching, education and fostering employability and entrepreneurship. Our core purpose in existence is to transform the lives of our students to meet the needs of the communities we live in. We believe that education should be innovative, accessible and job oriented. Therefore, all our programs and courses are designed with the learners’ needs in mind. Small class sizes ensure a personalized experience, and our flexible program options allow students to complete their studies while fulfilling their current obligations and responsibilities. At Oscar International College, we want to help you build your career. We are committed to our students, and we have woven our institutional goals around them.

Our Vision

Oscar International College works proactively with competent faculty and lecturers’ team from leaders in this industry. Our ultimate goal is to train and educate individuals of outstanding abilities with highly skilled human resources at all levels, which can help make future leaders. Our vision is to provide excellence, innovation and success in cutting-edge education to inspire and transform student lives in the local and global community.

Our Mission

Oscar International College provides its vast and evolving community with inspirational and expressive learning experiences. Our creative teaching approaches clarify concepts and theories. We facilitate conventional classroom lectures with research papers, assignments, group activities, workshops, debates, and role-playing, and we contribute to the student’s overall growth. Our mission is to nurture students’ learning opportunities to succeed in their life-long ventures.

Our Values

Our Mission, Vision & Values


 Our mission is to nurture students’ learning opportunities to succeed in their life-long ventures.


Our vision is to provide excellence, innovation and success in cutting-edge education to inspire and transform student lives in the local and global community.


Designation Certificates

Abbotsford Campus
Vancouver Campus
Surrey Campus

Parvinder Kaur Kalra


On behalf of the Oscar International College family, I am extremely delighted to welcome you all for your exciting journey to learn and thrive in this exemplary Institution. I am incredibly proud of the distinguished rich history of Guru Learning Institute Inc. which is the parent company of Oscar International College. You will be offered ample opportunities to learn and grow with the exceptional quality of our academic Institution, which has highly talented, caring, dedicated, and unparalleled faculty.

The OIC Spirit Lives Through Perpetuity